Before starting the article, let's clarify several key points for reading. The article will repeatedly mention words such as "necessary conditions," "optional content," "do not," and "attention⚠️". Their meanings are as follows.
"Necessary conditions": Content that is essential and without which the tutorial cannot proceed.
"Optional content": Supplementary content that does not affect the tutorial.
"Do not": Content that is mandatory and should not be performed.
"Attention⚠️": Content that provides tips and guidance on what should and should not be done.
Target Audience#
This article is suitable for the following readers. "Necessary conditions": Proficiency in understanding and reading English.
Computer professionals
Web2 developers transitioning to Web3 with a basic foundation
Developers who have experience in developing simple projects but lack experience in developing large-scale projects
College students who possess self-discipline, self-learning abilities, and excellent comprehensive skills
Those who are here for fun
This article is not suitable for the following readers.
Users with no programming background
Top experts
Development Environment#
This article will be developed using Macos
throughout. If you are using a Windows
system, we recommend two solutions.
Switch to a
Search for alternative solutions for commands that cannot be executed on
, such as installing theNode
environment. On Unix-like systems, you can usenvm
, but onwin
, you can only download the installer.
Required Software#
- VPN tool
Software Environment Installation#
In general, developing a Dapp (EVM) requires some basic software. Below are the installation methods for the necessary basic software on Macos. Please note that you should have a VPN tool enabled throughout the process. If you don't have a VPN tool, please search for alternative sources.
The "necessary software" includes:
Nodejs (v16+)
If you know how to manually install these, you can skip the following tutorial.
However, for convenience, we will first install an "optional software," Brew.
Installing Brew#
Enter the command in the terminal
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
During the installation process, you will need to enter your system password once and press Enter afterwards.
If you see the above prompt, execute the command below.
Installing Git, Nvm#
Enter the command
brew install git
curl -o- | bash
Installing Nodejs#
Enter the command
nvm install --lts
Installing VSCode#
Enter the command
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
So far, we have installed the necessary software, including node, vscode, and git. However, we can verify this by entering the following commands.
git -v
node -v
code -v
The results should be as follows.
Optional Installation#
However, for a better development experience, we also need to install the "yarn" package manager.
Enter the command
npm install yarn -g
yarn -v
The result should include the following content.
So far, we have completed the initial environment installation. This chapter is not difficult and does not have much significance, but it serves as a preliminary test of whether you can learn this course. If you encounter significant problems in this chapter, it is recommended to take a moment to carefully study before proceeding with the learning.